How to be a copywriter
Starbucks Race Campaign – A Bad Idea From the Start
BrandingLook, I have to say first that I like the idea of the program; I just don’t like how it was done, whom it was done by or why they did it. Make sense? More discussion about racial equality is a huge hot button right now, and it needs to be…
3 situations when it’s time to call in a copywriter
Content & StrategyIf you’re a professional, no matter what your position, chances are you write more now than you ever have before. Emails. Social media. Blogs. Memos and reports. Analyses. The list goes on. You’re publishing all the time. And you may be…
Why freelance copywriters need a plan Z
Content & Strategy FreelancingBeing freelance is magical for me. It’s that “free” part. I was always a square peg in round holes, so being my own boss, working when suits me (often as dawn is breaking), glowing appraisals, and being able to go off-peak to the gym…
Successful Copywriters Don’t Stop Writing. Ever!
Content & StrategyMost copywriters have a story about some person who criticized them early in their career or some writing position that didn’t work out. They view it as a form of paying their dues.Unfortunately, for some people, that first glimpse of failure…
Should we A/B test politics?
Content & StrategyDear United States of America,
I come from a little country in the heart of the Europe called Czech Republic. From my stand point you could say that what happened during the election for the 45th president of the United States doesn’t really…
I Just Did A Launch With No Webinars, No Videos, No Multimedia. Here’s What Happened…
Copywriting SkillsIn the last decade the world of internet marketing, like the internet itself, has become dominated by multimedia.It’s a different world to how I first started out online.For a good eight years from 1998 to 2006 all my online business…
Tales of a master procrastinator
Freelancing“Never put off til tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well” ~ Mark Twain
To be honest, I started this post a few months ago…In many cases, procrastination within an office environment can go undetected for a long…
Top Newsletter Article Tips: How to Make Sure Your Articles Get Read
Content & StrategyPlenty of newsletter article tips explain why to have a newsletter or how to set one up.But what about tips for writing enticing, engaging articles? Clever design and a reliable delivery schedule are helpful, but they will not make up for…
See our freelance copywriters
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