How to be a copywriter
Copywriter of the week : Oliver
As a child I always was praised by my creativity in many school subjects, particularly when it was about drawing and writing, for the latter is that I studied journalism: My passion for writing and letting my imagination fly comes from a very…
Balancing the heavy with the easy
Work HabitsOne of the main reasons creative work is challenging – apart from lousy briefs – is because it’s cerebral. It gets especially challenging when you work on your own (like the folk here) and also live by yourself (as I do). How then do you…
Copywriter of the week : Alberto Triana
NewsGive us a history of the companies you've worked for in the pastLet me put them in order:
Ogilvy & Mather, DDB Colombia, Mullenlowe SSP3, Mullenlowe Dubai and TBWA\RAAD (Dubai).
All of them gave me good friends, great learnings,…
Copywriter of the week : Tom Morris
I didn’t choose the Diff life, Cardiff chose me.
Why am I here? I’m always here. For better or worse, I live here and I’ll probably die here.
Cardiff’s got a number of different images. But in recent times…
Where is Content Marketing Headed in the Age of Omnichannel?
Content & StrategyCustomers today can interact with your business through more platforms than ever before. Needless to say, that should be enough of a reason for you to invest in a more holistic content marketing strategy. One that’s able to excel in a digitally…
5 Ways to Suck at Being a Freelancer
FreelancingThe joys of being a freelancer are, in no particular order: the freedom of being your own boss; choosing the jobs you want; constant variety; soaring like an eagle through the clouds of life. But, it’s really, really possible to be bad at…
Busy start to 2019
NewsIt's been a great start to the year with some exciting new clients and some old friends as well. Here is a small selection:A huge multilanguage project including 15 different languages with, a long term project divived in…
How to be a copywriter in Barcelona
Copywriting Skills FreelancingA few tips and tricks for a freelance copywriter in Barcelona.Barcelona is a fantastic city to live in: there’s the sun, the beach, great restaurants, culture, fiesta… the list goes on. Working as a freelancer in Barcelona on top of…
See our freelance copywriters
Why? Because we only represent proven copywriters that excel at the difficult arts of copywriting and freelancing.
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