
After 10 years in Holland, we’re finally the Dutch Copywriter Collective

That’s right, after 10 years operating in the Netherlands we finally have a new Dutch language website. We began life in Amsterdam representing English copywriters in the Netherlands, then across Europe. And not soon after we added Dutch copywriters to the website. Now Dutch copywriting is a big part of our business in the Netherlands.
The new website profiles all our freelance creatives who reside permanently in the Netherlands, so mostly Dutch copywriters, art directors and designers, but also around 10 English copywriters and some international designers.

Dutch copywriters available for worldwide work

If Dutch clients or agencies need one of our 40 international copywriters for transcreation or new international campaigns, then they must still visit our .com website. The Dutch creatives will continue to be profiled on the .com site as well so they can get international assignments.dutch copywriter collective
We hope this new Dutch-language website will make it easier for our Dutch clients to find Dutch creatives to help them. Even though everyone in the Netherlands speaks almost perfect English, it’s still logical that we have a Dutch site for them.

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  1. […] moeten zij nog steeds onze internationale pagina .com bezoeken. De Nederlandse creatieven zullen nog steeds te vinden zijn op de .com site zodat zij internationale opdrachten kunnen […]

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