
Internet marketing is a fallacy

Does internet marketing work for freelance creatives? The internet as a tool for new business is a fallacy. It’s still in its infancy so it’s making all the claims that advertising did when it started. That it can turn you into a success overnight. We are bombarded with online success stories but these are a tiny minority. Just because you have a high google ranking, good social marketing, an amazing blog and a regular newsletter, doesn’t mean you’ll get more work than a guy who just takes his portfolio round agencies. In fact you’ll probably get less, because these take so much effort to maintain and do well that you won’t have time to do any real work.

Remember: All advertising is a reminder

Advertising, and internet marketing in particular, supports all your other communication activities. People do not buy based on an eDirect Mail, but they may after having met you and you remind them of how good you are. They don’t hire you based on one meeting, they remember you later when a job comes in and you are still top of mind (if you’ve reminded them about yourself).

Marketing and communication is a cooking pot. You have to get the mix right and present it well. There are no magic fixes and don’t fall for the online hype. By spending all your time and energy servicing the different online marketing options (social marketing, SEO, newsletters, etc.) you will probably neglect the tried and tested traditional methods of calling and making appointments. Don’t be shy and hide behind your website. There is nothing like getting out there and meeting people.

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