5 Online Resources to Strengthen your Copywriting Skills

All professions that can bring income remotely have become very popular, and there are much more freelancers. And copywriters as well. On the one hand, the demand from companies influenced, and on the other hand, the erroneous opinion of young people that it is enjoyable. Many do not even understand what copywriting is and what it is for. Most do not want to be aware of all aspects of remote work because there are enough shortcomings. The profession of a copywriter is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It’s not just writing texts and posts on Instagram. There is a foundation behind such texts, a lot of experience, blood, and sweat. There are a lot of people who want to become a pro, but it’s not easy. We have compiled the top 5 online resources for copywriting that will turn a beginner into a professional. Your text will be bought, and you will be knowledgeable in the industry.

Blackford Centre

In this course, you will learn how to create text, photo, and video content, write texts, share large files in different formats – from press releases to native advertising, work with graphics and pictures, and produce videos. Work with social networks, get acquainted with the specifics of different platforms and learn how to communicate with their audience so that your product will hook it. You will learn creative thinking techniques and will be able to generate solid ideas for texts, even when inspiration is at zero. You will learn how to write without bureaucracy, remove water, fact-check, and make texts such that you want to read them to the end. Get to know the needs of your readers and learn how to create content that interests them. Define content marketing goals and use them to increase conversions and revenues.


An online resource after which you will create texts with joy, love, and pleasure. The fear will go away. The doubts will dissipate. The resource will teach you how to create content that will work for you. What will you learn? Write quickly on any topic: posts, articles, cases, texts for advertising, and landing pages. Search original post topics for any business. Organize work with several clients at once and meet deadlines. You will be able to overcome the “fear from scratch” and write quickly and regularly. Provide yourself with work, look for clients and negotiate. Create texts to promote your brand.

Copyblogger Pro

There, students will learn how to create texts for any business tasks, package texts into full-fledged products, build and optimize teamwork, develop an editorial policy, analyze the effectiveness of contextual projects, and create full-fledged brand media concepts. You will gain the knowledge and skills to create texts of any format, articles, sections, and landing pages. You will obtain a knowledge base on text optimization SEO (you should know which SEO strategy to follow local or international SEO) and you will have access to additional course materials.

Kopywriting Kourse

After completing the course, you will be able to work with all types of testing: landing pages, scripts, commercial texts, communication with readers, and the ability to write clear text. You will receive a massive store of knowledge working with texts: from the basics to the “pitfalls” of the profession. The course includes methods for communicating with clients and a lot of other helpful information. The student acquires skills in test proofreading, work, correct spelling and design, and presentation of information. This also understands the principles of anti-plagiarism systems.

Continue Reading: 7 Killer Tips for Students to Improve Copywriting Skills Swiftly

Creative Writing

On this online resource for copywriting, a student will master a popular profession, learn how to work with text, create a selling text, and learn how to create a text with increased efficiency. In addition, create high-quality, competent text, text for a landing page, product cards on the Internet and online stores, compose the text for social networks, analyze the text, and its quality, and create press releases.

Copywriting craft makes money and is good. The main thing is to start. Where and how to start – everyone decides for himself. Before you break into the profession, you need to not only understand but also be aware that it will not be easy. Especially at the beginning. There will be mistakes, ups, downs, and sometimes burnout. The first time, you have to look for a job, consider different options for earning money, and devote a lot of time to writing. You will see making money on copywriting, making money on articles – perhaps you will like it too!