
Find the best content writing service for brands

Is it time to hire a content copywriter for your business? No matter how you look at it, when it comes to content and reaching your target audience, you need an entire team that is on top of things. You can’t just expect one person to handle everything from blog posts to social media and even the content on your website. It is simply not a realistic scenario. That is why it is recommended that you don’t leave this list of responsibilities in the hands of one individual or your in-house team. Surely, you have seen businesses that have an incredible online presence. They’re practically everywhere. How do they do it? Well, they outsource some or all of their content-related needs and invest in a content writing service.

What exactly do you need from content writers?

If you have been thinking about doing the same as other businesses, you should take some time to write down exactly what you want and need from someone, regarding the content associated with your brand. Otherwise, you hire a writer or a team of content experts and give them superficial information that does not help them do their job efficiently. It’s all about goals and strategies, including and especially when talking about online content.  A common concern tends to be regarding the quality of the content that you outsource. But, there’s a way to approach this concern…


Which aspects of your content marketing strategy would you like to outsource?

To get the ball rolling, come up with the strategy that you intend on implementing. This is the only way you can find out exactly where you need help or what sort of tasks you would prefer to outsource. You can keep a part of the tasks for your in-house team and leave the rest in the hands of specialists that work for a digital agency. For example, one of the aspects that takes a toll on your time and resources is blog content. Instead of keeping your team occupied with this part, delegate and rely on an external, professional team that you can trust and understands what your brand stands for.


Is this choice great for your in-house team?

The work required for keeping your business relevant and creating its online presence never stops. Being able to free up part of your resources at a more than affordable price is definitely worth it. Keeping your team free to focus on other tasks, while outsourcing other content creation work, will offer your company the chance to reach goals faster and more efficiently. Once you and your team establish a steady workflow, everyone will be able to focus on their own task at hand. Even if you are a one-person show, when it comes to outsourcing content creation, you will be able to work through other tasks that need your attention.


Current content marketing trends should influence your decision

When making a choice regarding whether or not to outsource some of your content needs and exactly what sort of content writing services to invest in, take a closer look at your team and their skills. To ensure that you make the best decision, always stay up to date with the latest trends. What are other marketing teams doing? What sort of tools are they using? For example, they might be building and adjusting strategies based on the analytics tools they rely on. To keep the quality of your content or even improve it, it would be useful to outsource the tasks that you and your team have difficulty dealing with.


Create your own brand’s content guide with clear instructions

The easiest way you can ensure that the professionals you rely on when you outsource your content needs will ultimately adjust to your company’s vision, mission and workflow, the best approach would be to create a guide. Just think about the amount of time you would be able to save when you want to hire someone to help you and your team if you were able to offer them clear instructions regarding what needs to be done and more importantly, how they should do it. Just imagine giving this document to someone completely new that has never worked on any projects for you and knowing that they will be able to adjust to your requirements right away.


What kind of information should your content guide include?

This is where you write about the way you want someone that has not created content for your brand to be able to do so and keep the message, tone, grammar and even style – consistent. You need to be as specific as possible, include images and even statistics, where necessary so that you can make it as clear as possible to the person reading it – what your content is and should be all about. According to Neil Patel’s blog, “the style guide helps a writer, video creator, or illustrator to more quickly adapt to the style that is unique to your company.”


Make sure you have an amazing editor within your in-house team

It’s important to understand the role of an editor, especially when it comes to outsourcing some of your content needs. This would be the person responsible for editing all of the drafts that are sent over by the teams that don’t work in-house. Your editor will ensure that the content published is going to maintain your brand consistently, that it sends the right message, that there are no grammar or spelling mistakes and so on. This is the professional that should be part of your in-house team and that will approve the final draft of every piece of content. This way, it’s easier to avoid any unpleasant experiences as well as waste your time trying to keep an eye on everything that is related to your brand.


Check the experience of the content writing team you intend on working with

Anyone can be great at advertising their services but when it comes to providing the quality content that you need from them, some of the teams you may work with will be unable to live up to the standards they advertised. Unfortunately, this is a risk that you need to take when it comes to collaborating with any out-sourced company. But the good news is that you can do some research prior to hiring anyone – and it would be recommended that you do a thorough job. You can even ask them about their portfolio and projects that they have worked on, challenges they have had and so on. If they have been on the market for some time now, that’s a clear sign they are good at what they do.


Always ask for a trial article or examples of previous work

This will help you sort through the different content creators you are considering to hire. Investing in content writing services should be a choice that you make after you see with your own eyes whether the content copywriter that you are considering is able to produce an article that adheres to your values as a brand. If you give them the style guide and they are unable to do a good job, it’s no longer a communication issue but a simple misfit. If you talk to a few different agencies with a great reputation, you will surely manage to find a team that has the exact skills you need for your business. The example article is essential to test their skills as well as the ability to adapt to your rules and engage in your brand image.


Set a workflow

Once you’ve found your dream copywriter that matches your criteria, the next step is to establish a workflow. It may take a bit of time until everyone is up to speed with their role, how you prefer things to be done and so on. The guide mentioned a few times above is going to be a lifesaver. That is why you should consider creating it before you outsource your content needs. It will allow teams of people that don’t work next to you every single day, to fit right in and do a fantastic job. A pro tip would be to ensure that when it comes to resources, you offer as many as you can. Make it easier for them to find inspiration, facts and useful information.


Continue Reading: 5 Ways marketing teams can use high-quality writing


In today’s world, there is no real reason to try and do everything on your own or overwhelm your in-house team, when you could easily outsource your content needs.

About the Author:

PhD. Ion G. Tudorache is a specialized SEO strategist, with 14 years of experience in the SEO industry. He is the co-founder and director of Gamit SEO, an online marketing agency. Comprehensive analysis, content writing services, full SEO audit, rank tracking, and tailored SEO proposal are part of the complete portfolio of SEO services covered by the agency.

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